Title – Pinterest for Authors: Use Pinterest to Find New Readers and Sell More Books
Author – Mark J. Dawson, Pip Reid
Pages – 46 pages
Like the other books from Self Publishing Formula, this one was written by an individual author, Pip Reid, with Dawson probably working as an editor.
The book shares a little of Pip Reid’s experience using Pinterest to promote her books and gives some practical advice.
The beginning starts out pretty basic, saying what is Pinterest, how many people use it, and where are the main locations of its users. I thought it was going to be just another general advice and infodump about Pinterest but I was happy to discover it wasn’t the case.
Reid gives a good explanation for beginners on how to start using Pinterest to market their books and even gives some ideas. She also provides links to other articles to find out more and some tools to use for Pinterest.
At times is a little repetitive but it didn’t disappoint. I can safely say that I will put some of the things learnt here into practice.

Patricia Morais has published 3 books, 1 novella, 1 short-story, and co-authored 1 anthology in Portuguese. She is now making her debut in the English market with a translation of her novella, Tides, and an exclusive short-story.