Write about what you like and what scares you

Would you like to write a book and have heard the advice that says: to be a writer, you must start writing now. But maybe the problem is that you don’t know where to start writing.

So, start writing about your experiences, your likes, and your fears. There are thousands of people in the world with different tastes. Thousands of movies, songs, newspapers, magazines, books, and everything else, for sale. It’s hard to compete with all of this, so the way you have to stand out in the middle of all this mess is to write about something you really like.

And the way to write about what you like is if it’s not a sacrifice to think about the subject. Try to write about something you would like to see written, answer something you would like to see answered. Situations and problems you are going through. Because, just like you, your reader may be going through these situations, and thus, they can connect better with your character.

The first big story I wrote was because I was tired of feeling irritated when writers didn’t finish stories the way I wanted. So I took a notebook and said I was going to write it my way (I was twelve and very stubborn). And my first big project, the one I ended up really carrying out, came to me as a source of inspiration because of a huge fear I have. I felt that the only way to combat that fear was to transcribe it on paper. (It’s not overcome, but I don’t think it’s an easy fear to overcome either.)

But it’s those little things I transcribed to paper that made me fall in love with writing and made everything worthwhile.

What are the topics you would like to see written on paper?


I write bilingual (PT and EN) supernatural fantasy books inspired by mythology and folklore from around the world. But my actual mission is to help other writers write, publish and market their books.

Patricia Morais a dar um autografo no lançamento de Os Monstros que Nos Habitam

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