Writing a Trilogy: How to Plan a Series of Novels

Have you ever thought about writing a trilogy? A series of novels that tell a bigger story and take readers on an epic journey through multiple books? Well, I’m here to tell you that it’s a daunting but totally achievable task. I recently completed my own trilogy, and I learned a lot along the way. So, if you’re thinking about embarking on a similar journey, here are some tips on how to plan a series of novels.

Start with a solid concept

Before you even think about writing a trilogy, you need to have a solid concept for your story. What’s the overarching plot? What are the major conflicts and themes? Who are the main characters? These are all questions you need to answer before you start writing. Take some time to brainstorm and flesh out your ideas. Once you have a clear concept, you can start to think about how it can be expanded into a trilogy.


Outline each book

Once you have your concept, it’s time to start outlining. I recommend outlining each book individually before you start writing. This will help you keep track of the plot and ensure that each book has a clear arc and structure. Think about the major events that will happen in each book and how they will connect to the overarching plot. You can also start to think about how each book will end and how it will lead into the next one.


Plan the overall arc

While outlining each book, it’s also important to think about the overall arc of the trilogy. How will the story develop over the course of three books? What will be the major turning points? How will the characters evolve? These are all questions you need to answer to ensure that the trilogy as a whole has a satisfying conclusion.


Keep track of details

When writing a trilogy, it’s easy to forget details from previous books. That’s why it’s important to keep track of everything, from character names and descriptions to plot points and world-building details. Create a “series bible” to keep track of all the important details. This will help you stay consistent and ensure that readers don’t get confused or frustrated.


Stay flexible

Finally, it’s important to stay flexible when writing a trilogy. As you write, you may find that your original concept or outline needs to be adjusted. Characters may take on a life of their own, and plot points may need to change to accommodate them. Don’t be afraid to deviate from your original plan if it serves the story better. Just make sure that the changes you make are consistent with the rest of the series.

So, what are you waiting for? Start planning your trilogy today!