Title – Midnight Sun
Author – Stephenie Meyer
Publisher – Little Brown Books
Pages – 672 (way too many!!)
Midnight Sun is the story of Twilight (just the first book) told from the perspective of Edward Cullen. If you don’t remember the story it’s about a 104-year-old vampire falling in love with a teenage girl in High School.
I beg Stephenie Meyer to stop writing Twilight books because Midnight Sun was an absolute was of my time.
First, full disclosure. I am not a Twilight hater. I gave Twilight 4 stars when I first read it. Twice (once in English and once in Portuguese). I gave the other books 3 stars, except for Breaking Dawn because that one was a load of crap, so I gave two stars. I watched the movies and enjoyed it. Even though I always thought I would have enjoyed it more if another actor had played Bella. I thought she had more personality in the books than Kirsten Stewart portrayed.
Now back to the book. I HATED IT! Initially, I was going to give it two stars because I kinda enjoyed the beginning. I liked to see Edward interact with the others, and even get a glimpse at the Denali coven. I had read the 2008 draft and I didn’t mind rereading those bits…
But then it all starts to go downhill and I was still willing to give two stars because of the beginning.
But when Edwards meets Bella it becomes plain boring. All he talks about his Bella. All he thinks about his Bella. All the book is BELLA, BELLA, BELLA. There are no more sibling dynamics. Stephenie Meyer doesn’t explore the others’ personalities. I wanted James to kill them all by the end…
Because they are all selfish!! All Rosalie cares about is Emmet. All Jasper cares about is Alice. All Edward cares about is Bella. And all Bella cares about is Edward.
Rosalie was damn right to be angry at Edward because, he did put his family in danger, and is a natural feeling to have! Did Edward, in his hundreds of pages of monologue, ever thought about how he was hurting his family? NO! BECAUSE ALL HE CARES ABOUT IS BELLA!
Did Bella ever apologised to her father for stomping on a wound that was so deep when she said those hurtful things? Did she ever think about how her father sacrificed for her so that she could be happy, all those years she refused to go to Forks because she hated it? NO! BECAUSE BELLA ONLY CARES ABOUT EDWARD! Come on, dude, your mother chose a man over her own child and you still think your mother is the better parent?
And now the major PLOT HOLE!! I kept reading to see how James would react to seeing Alice in the clearing since he obviously knew her from when she was human. Except he doesn’t!! Jasper camouflages Alice and himself the whole time. SO CAN SOMEONE EXPLAIN TO ME HOW THE HELL HE FREAKING SAW ALICE??
There is no reaction in the tracker’s mind about noticing and recognising Alice (remember Edward reads minds and he was paying attention to the tracker. Why? BECAUSE OF BELLA). James kinda insinuates that he is doing this because of Alice in a way. He kills Bella and they get Alice. But in all the time Edward read his mind, he never noticed him recognising Alice???? He couldn’t because supposedly she is camouflaged by Jasper!! I literally kept reading so that I could find out about this bit and NOTHING!
When Bella says, “Alice, he knew you”. There is no reaction from Edward. And there is no reaction from Edward reading Alice’s mind. It’s like Edward is unable to process emotions if they are not related to Bella or his own melancoly.
When Alice sees the video, does Edward care? NO! When Edward sees the video, does he care about how Alice is feeling? NO! He says another time because now he needs to think about Bella. That “another time” never arrives. Edward never once asks Alice about how does she feel discovering about her past.
So this book is a load of crap. All the characters are selfish. There are about 300 pages of absolute trash that interest no one (or at least not me because I hate reading about things that don’t have a point). And I had to start skimming all the useless stuff because otherwise, I would have never been able to finish.
But maybe you’ll like it, who knows?

Patricia Morais has published 3 books, 1 novella, 1 short-story, and co-authored 1 anthology in Portuguese. She is now making her debut in the English market with a translation of her novella, Tides, and an exclusive short-story.